What is the consumption, Suppose a closed economy has an aggregate consumption function given by C = 300 + 0.75Yd and generates $2000 output and income in equilibrium. Consumption, government spending, net exports, and investment, b. In all models except those in Chapter 16, the domestic interest rate is not affected by foreign interest rates. Transcribed Image Text: Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: C = 1,500+ 0.80Y Consumption function Planned investment function 1=2,000 G = 1,250 NX-500 Government spending function. But sometime when, Q:QUESTION 7 This problem has been solved! Government spending: G = 60. If you want any, Q:3. When the aggregate demand or expenditure exceed real income, unplanned inventories are less and hence creating shortage in the economy. $10,000 The first column indicates the symbol we use for the variable while column 2 shows the name of the variable. If it is not, then the investment will not be profitable. PlannedInvestment Salvage value=$4000 (Government purchases remain at 400.). and his saving, A:Marginal propensity to consume shows the how much of income will be devoted to consumption. In, A:The exchange rate between two currencies refers to the rate at the which one currency may be, Q:Use simplified money multiplier formula to answer this question. Planned investment is I = 150 - 10r where r is the real interest rate in percent. 380 Suppose that the price of President's Choice macaroni and cheese decreased from $10 to $9 per, A:Cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of good 1 with, Q:Suppose Walmart has announced plans to seek approval from the planning commission of a small town to, A:Planning: It refers to the process under which the firms make a blueprint of all the things that, Q:DER for USA of Commodities Wheat Bushel & Cloth Yards is 12W = 8C Real GDP APR = r Number of period = 15 4 = 60, Q:Ted can wax car in 15 minutes or wash a car in 45 minutes. 0 signifies, Q:A reserve price is a minimum price set by the auctioneer. Two of the variables are stock variables: K and M. Prices cannot be characterized as a stock or flow variable. a) The elasticity The coupon rate is 6% with quarterly payment What is the equilibrium level of income?c. What is the Government Spending Func, In Macroland, autonomous consumption equals 100, the marginal propensity to consume equals 0.75, net taxes are fixed at 40, planned investment is fixed at 50, government purchases are fixed at 150, and net exports are fixed at 20. Understand the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model and its features. If you, for example, learn the IS-LM model from this book, you will definitely recognize it in other text books that might describe it in a slightly different way. O 30 60 Using the Keynesian-cross analysis, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 100 + 0.6(Y - T). This assumption will be true if the workforce is constant and individuals in the labor force either work full time or not at all. Consumption (C) is 600 when income (Y) is equal to 1500. (a) What is the equilibrium level of real GDP in this economy? The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is the slope of the: a. GDP curve. Q:A driver's wealth $100,000 includes a car of $20,000. $1,000 If income goes up then consumption will go up and savings will go up. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. Consider the macroeconomic model shown below. N a. The first column . c. 136 O Create a surplus. YD =Y T , G=2000 In the aggregate expenditure model, the size of the income (spending) multiplier depends on the: a. = 10% annually What is the multiplier for government purchases?d. a. We will in the rest of the book discuss a number of macroeconomic models. Consumption function Planned investment function Government spending function Net export function Equilibrium condition GDP Aggregate Expenditures (AE) Unplanned Change in Inventories. What is a game in normal form? What is the amount of consumer surplus, A:Taxes, which can take many different forms, might serve as a barrier to buying a specific good or, Q:What is the Nash Equilibrium of this game? In the circular flow model, investment, government spending, and exports are classified as: A) injections. Consumption function Planned investment function 470 Surplus :- This is the, Q:Different countries collect and spend their taxes in different ways. ? Because government spending is determined by a political process and is not dependent on fundamental economic variables, we will focus in this lesson on an explanation of the determinants of consumption and investment. 500 Government purchases and taxes are both 100. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. G = 2.65 Fill in the following table. -$700 Consumption Note that there are actually many minor variations of the neoclassical synthesis. In an, Q:QUESTION 5 In general it can be said: MPC = Change in Consumption/Change in Disposable Income = C/Yd, MPS = Change in Savings/Change in Disposable Income = S/Yd, It is also important to notice that: MPC + MPS = 1. Study the diagram below and answer the question.Which one of the following statements is false? What will influence you decision? All variab, Consider the following example. strategy in a normal-form game?, A:Game theory is the study of how interdependent decisions made by economic agents result in outcomes, Q:14. Given the total cost function C = 2Q 3Q + 400Q + 5000 b) Find the level of savin, Suppose that the consumption function is C 100.8 y t. Initially, investment and government expenditures are I75 and G 150 and taxes are T 50. To understand such models, you must first understand the models where this complication does not arise. 200. What is the equilibrium level of income?c. Since interest rates with different maturities are highly correlated, they typically move in the same direction and the direction of a variable is typically what we are interested in. Solution: Given: C = 50 + 0.75(Y-T) I = 100 2r G = 120 T = 140 Ms = 440 P = 2 (M/P)d = 0.5Y 1.5r A. (Round your responses to the nearest dollar.) Remember, the MPC is the slope of the consumption function and the MPS is the slope of the savings function. $11,600 b. In other words, what would your consumption be if your disposable income were zero? $1,500 What is the multiplier for government purchases?d. a What is the multiplier? The investment demand curve only. 0.2 b. The trade balance isTB = 5(1 - \frac{1}{E}) - 0.25(Y - 8) 1. Planned investment function (b) What is the impact of increased variable tax rate (highert) onY? Leftward shift in demand=, Q:The following table contains data for a hypothetical closed economy that uses the dollar as its, A:The term "government spending" describes the cash that the government spends on various goods and, Q:15. So we will solve, Q:You enjoy consuming apples (A) and oranges (O). If planned investment is 100 and T is 100, then the level of G needed to make equilibrium Y equal 1,000 is A. Q:Calculate the real GDP for 2011. d. At income levels to the right of point E (like Io), savings is positive because consumption is below income, and at income levels to the left of point E (like I'), savings is negative because consumption is above income. Kindly login to access the content at no cost. Aggregate Expenditures (AE) $ $ GDP $11,600 $17,400 Unplanned Change in Inventories. Answer: Y = C + I + G Y = 50 + 0.75 + (Y - T) + 100 - 2r + 120 Y = 50 + 0.75Y - 0.75T + 100 - 2r + 120 Y - 0.75Y = 270 - 0.75T - 2r 0.25Y = 270 - 0.75T - 2r Y = 1080 - 3(140) - 8r Y = 660 - 8r B. Calculate the average variable, A:Given A:A price ceiling is an upper limit on the price. G = 1,000 First Cost 1 answer below . Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: C = 250 + 0.80Y Consumption function I = 2,000 Planned investment function G = 1,250 Government spending function NX = 100 Net export function Y = C + I + G + NX Equilibrium condition Fill in the following table. e. All of the answers above combined. If you buy and eat an apple today, that apple does not continue to provide consumption benefits into the future. The investment function is I = 200 - 25r. First week only $4.99! In this section we have summarizes all the macroeconomic variables we will consider in this book. What is themultiplier for government purchases?d. Consumption function 21,302 Consider the graph below, which shows Consumption as a positive function of Income: Notice the use of the 45 degree line to illustrate the point at which income is equal to consumption. t = 80, r = 5, Which of the following is not a component of the aggregate demand curve? For this ec, Refer to the table below to complete the questions. Net export function -$700 If income goes up then consumption will go up and savings will go up. The price of Salternative falls so the substitution effect is 4 and the income effect is 5. the amount of variety in products is the same as in, A:A market system with a lot of product sellers is known as monopolistic competition. (Taxes remain at 400.)e. If the interest rate at the bank were 4%, you would buy the machines because they will yield a higher return than the next best alternative available to you. A:Only in competitive market frameworks do freedom of entry and exit exist. $1,000 $14,000 When the real rate of interest is at 8%, only those investments that have an expected rate of return higher than 8% will be undertaken. The firms demands, Q:Q2. $11,000 Aggregate Unplanned Change n = 10 Years The formula for average variable, Q:A machine currently under consideration by Marcus Industries has a cost of $31, 000. the Keynesian spending multiplier is? -$700 a) Find the equilibrium level of income. The first interest rate was a description of the macroeconomic variables and institutions. H Assume Investment (I) = $1,000 billion, Government (G) = $500b, Exports (X) = $1,000b, Imports (M) = $500b, the MPC = 0.6 and autonomous consumption (where Y = 0) is $400b. PlannedInvestment &= 385 - 770\\ NX = - 50 Net export function Y = C + | + G + NX Equilibrium condition Fill in the following table. The consumption function is given by C = 100 + 0.8 \ast Y Assume that investments are I = 200, government spending is G = 0 and net exports are NX = 200. Quarterly rate = r/4 Q:Which of the following would be considered a leading indicator? That, Q:ASUS manufactures 1,000,000 units of netbooks yearly. 10. B. NX = - 100 a. Et+1=Y90 = $1.00 (one year later) Where C+ consumption schedule+100+.75Y (consumption is a function of income). To simplify our discussion, we will assume that Consumption is a linear function of Disposable Income, just as it was graphically shown above. Germany | = 1,500 there is no income tax in the economy. 9 days ago. (a) Disposable income. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. (MPC) Marginal propensity to consume = 0.8. They are, Q:Refer to the Reserve Bank news release below. A new design or the product will reduce, A:A company adopts the cost-benefit analysis t determine the benefits of a decision or adopting an, Q:A COMPANY IS STUDYING TO UPGRADE THEIR EQUIPMENT IN ORDER TO REDUCE COST BY (1) Salary in 2011 = Salary in 2010 * ( CPI in 2011 / CPI in 2010) \end{align*}{/eq}, Unplanned change in inventories= GDP- Planned Aggregate expenditure (AE), {eq}\begin{align*} Y &= \dfrac{{385}}{{0.5}}\\ d. Slope of the consumption function (schedule). A:Real GDP is the product of base year price and current year quantity 12. We can also understand important observations of the economy, such as cyclical fluctuations in growth, correlation between unemployment and inflation and the relationship between interest rates and foreign exchange rates. Should you borrow the money and buy the new equipment? Write down the LM function. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Y=C+I+G+NX Read more about the curve shifts of this and learn the AD-AS model through an example. With this assumption, exports and imports may be assumed to be independent of the domestic price level. Aggregate Q:Use the figure below to answer the following question. Graph planned expenditure as a function of income.b. Go back to the graph of the consumption function and satisfy yourself that the rise is the change in Consumption and the run is the change in Income, and you will see that this definition of b is consistent with the definition of a slope.) 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 2 months ago, Posted $12,000 Aggregate *X = 200, the autonomous exports, Section A (1) Consider the following macroeconomic model of an economy. $14,000 Consider the macroeconomic model shown below. mpc = 0.8 a. $1,500 GovernmentPurchases $1,000 A Y1 represents the equilibrium level of income.B The curve labelled A = C + I shows the total of consumption and investment spending.C The curve labelled C shows the total of autonomous and induced consumption spending.D The point labelled D shows where savings equal investment. Given the above variables, calculate the equilibrium level of output. If planned investment falls by 100, how much does the equilibrium level of output fall? In the last chapter, we will look at a very simple model which allows for capital flows and for the domestic interest rate to be affected by foreign interest rates, the so-called Mundell-Fleming model. (c) shift the AS curve to the right. 440 To simplify, we assume that the economy is not growing. The consumption function is given by C=400+Y. Government purchas, Assume a closed economy (no exports or imports) and that taxes=0. (Enter your responses as integers. $1,000 The higher the real rate of interest, the fewer investment opportunities will be profitable. there isan income tax t=0.1, The Marginal Propensity to Consume is the extra amount that people consume when they receive an extra dollar of income. Can there be consumption without income? If government purchases increase to 400, what is the new equilibrium income? C = 750 + : 247797. Also, for simplicity, assume this economy has no taxes. Assume there are no traveler's checks. a. What is the multiplier for government purchases?d. dtdP = P ( Q26000 P) dtdQ = Q(30P Q) find the equilibrium points of this system and classify each equilibrium point with respect to stability if possible. c) equals planned consumption, investment, go, Suppose the consumption function is C = $300 million + 0.90YD, where disposable income YD = Y ? Question: Consider the macroeconomic model shown below. $5,000b. To make it easier to keep them apart we give the different names. What level of government purchases is needed to achieve an income of 2,400? Why the AD line is upward sloping?Suppose the government spending falls by 100 and in this case marginal propensity to consumeis 0.8. what is the value of change in output. Assume that in 2015, the following prevails in theRepublic of Nurd:Y = $200 G = $0C = $160 T = $0S = $40I (planned) = $30Assume that households consume 80 percent of their income, they save 20 percent of their income, MPC = 0.8,and MPS = 0.2. How can savings be negative? c. Government expenditures only. What is, A:Given that, An investment of P400,000 will, A:A rate of return refers to the net gain or the loss of an investment over a certain time period, Q:In monopolistically competitive industries, In the Keynesian cross model, assume that the consumption function is given byC=120+0.8(Y-T).Planned investment is 200; government purchases and taxes are both 400.a. The Consumption function is C = 600 + 0.75(Y - T) - 30(r). The saving function? If the full-employment level of Y is $250, what fiscalpolicy might the government follow?d. Japan = 8% annually GDP What is the multiplier for government purchases?d. $12,000 In the Keynesian cross model, assume that the consumption function is given byC = 110 + 0.75(Y - T). C = 750 +, Consider the macroeconomic model shown below. In order to separate the supply and the demand from the observed quantity, we use subscript S for supply and subscript D for demand. Y (a) Draw a graph showing the equilibrium level of output. 0 Total cost function:C=2Q3-3Q2+400Q+5000 .(1) Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: C = 500+ 0.80Y | = 1,500 G = 1,000 NX = - 100 Y=C+I+G+ NX Consumption function Planned investment function Government spending function Net export function Equilibrium condition Fill in the following table. What is the multiplier for this economy? u(W)=W. Demand-side Equilibrium: Unemployment Or Inflation?. The observed quantity is the quantity that consumers actually end up buying from the firms. Assume banks do not keep excess. a. ), Our Experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. 350 b. $1,500 GDP, Q:In the first problem set, you solved the consumer problem for the utility function u(z1, 72) =, Q:The compound interest on a certain sum of money at 25% for 3 years is Php 47,656.25. (Taxes remain unchanged.)e. $1 ,500 $|: $ $2,250 $l: $, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library. Unemployment and hours worked are directly related In all models we assume a negative relationship between the number of hours worked and unemployment. the When price of one good increases, the consumer tends to, Q:Carefully explain what is happening in the market. (Round your responses to the nearest dollar.) What kind of market failure is addressed when, A:resources are allocated efficiently and effectively by the market mechanism. P, W, R, r and E apply at a given point in time while , e, w and E apply over a period of time. Oligopoly refers to a market situation in which there are few firm selling homogeneous, Q:Consider the simultaneous equilibrium in the US money market and the foreign exchange market. A. output must equal consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports. GDP Unplanned Change in Inventories $1,275 $2,125 Aggregate 10.00 As disposable income goes up, consumption goes up and this is shown by movement along a single consumption function. d. consumption function. Find answers to questions asked by students like you. Assume that M, or the mo, In the Keynesian cross, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 200 + 0.75 (Y - T) Planned investment is: I = 150 -10 *r where r is the real interest rate in percent. Equilibrium condition If the percentage change in quantity &= 100 + 0.5Y + 125 + 150 + 10\\ d. 142 The investment demand curve only. Therefore, if you want to investigate the effect of an increase in the target interest rate, you may just as well investigate a decrease in the money supply. Let's, Q:What distinguishes a public good from a private good? Q.1.15 Induced consumption is:(a) the part of consumption which is independent of the level of income. The aggregate expenditure model looks at the e, In the Keynesian model, equilibrium national income: a) occurs when the marginal propensity to consume equals the multiplier. 1. A:Opportunity cost refers to the loss of next best alternative while making a decision. B) leakages. (f) Now assume that employmentNis positively related toY. \end{align*}{/eq}, {eq}\begin{align*} Income is $2,000, taxes are $220, and government spending is $300. I a. occurs at the point where the consumption function crosses the 45-degree line. The following table shows, A:Nominal GDP is the total value of final goods and services produced within the boundaries of a, Q:2) How does the corporate office create a parental advantage, which is difficultto duplicate by its, A:Corporate parenting strategy is an one kind of strategy taken by the corporate office which, Q:Refer to Table 2. The first two are hypothetical concepts which indicate the desired quantities from households and firms under various conditions. a. Graph planned expenditure as a function of income.b. Consider the data shown below for the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI), drawn from the Bank of Canada's website. Business Economics Macroeconomics ECON 201. Identify the exogenous variables and the parameters in this model, b. Demand-side Equilibrium: Unemployment Or Inflation?. That is, C = 0.8Yd and S = 0.2Yd.a. If the number of hours worked increases, the unemployment will fall and vice versa. But because of the nature of investment, it has a long-term impact on the economy as well. What is the, Q:A consumer has utility (Enter your responses as integers.) So far, each variable has represented an observed quantity. Consider the macroeconomic model defined by. b. Unplanned Change Ishana can wax a car in 30 minutes or. Q4. Planned investment is 300; government purchases is 350. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Consumption, exports, imports, and disposable income, c. Consumption, inventory, government spending, and disposable income, d. Exports, imports. $10,200 The MPC and MPS are therefore: Since the Consumption Function and the Savings Function are both straight lines in this example, and since the slope of a straight line is constant between any two points on the line, it will be easy for you to verify that the MPC and the MPS are the same between any two points on the line. These functions are usually illustrated in a chart where we illustrate how demand and supply depend on other variables. {/eq} Equilibrium condition, Fill in the following table. AE &= Y = C + I + G + NX\\ In the above equation, a is the intercept of the line and b is the slope. (Enter your responses as integers.) A. How much does income change as a result of this event? MC In this simple model, it is easy to see the relationship between income, consumption, and savings. In the Keynesian cross model, assume that the consumption function is given byC = 110 + 0.75(Y - T). Suppose that your (Enter your responses as integers. demanded, Q:What is a good or service that has become expensive/cheap due to (a) natural scarcity/abundance of, A:Resource scarcity occurs when demand for a resource exceeds supply. What level of government purchases is needed to achieve an income of 2,200? 20.00 Investment c. Consumption d. Net exports e. Saving, given the following model: y=c+i+g+(x-m) suppose that: autonomous consumption 500 mpc=.75 taxes 400 investment 500 government spending 1200 exports 300 impoeta 500 find the following a. equi, In the Keynesian cross, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 200 + 0.75(Y - T). Machine cost increases by, Q:The price elasticity of demand for keyboards is 2.3. Give an equation for each and show each graphically. YEAR: CPI (2002=100) CPI INFLATION: 2010: 116.5: 1.8: . (Taxes remain unchanged.)e. $1,500 Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: |C= 500+ .75Y |Consumption function |I = 1500 |Planned investment function |G = 1000 |Government spending function |NX = -500 |Net export function |Y, Consider an economy in which the consumption function takes the following algebraic form, C = 300 + 0.75DI, and in which investment (I) is always 900 and net exports are always 100. = 30757*(106.02 / 102.57), Q:Suppose that Super Market increased the price of a dozen free-range eggs from $5.50 to $6.50. Rhianedd has a utility function of the formu In the simplest model we can consider, we will assume that people do one of two things with their income: they either consume it or they save it. A:Comparative advantage is the basis of international trade. Corner points given are (5,8) (10,5) (4,10) These are also the components of aggregate demand. Get access to millions of step-by-step textbook and homework solutions, Send experts your homework questions or start a chat with a tutor, Check for plagiarism and create citations in seconds, Get instant explanations to difficult math equations. $25.00 S The components of aggregate demand are: a. In economics, b is a particularly important variable because it illustrates the concept of the Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC), which will be discussed below. b. disposable income curve. consumption: C = a+b (1-t)Y (a > 0, 0. investment: I = e-`R (e > 0, ` > 0) Money Market. (Round your responses to the nearest dollar.). A. Find, Suppose that the following parameters apply to an open economy with a government that is running a balanced budget. The rate of return is the % of gain or loss of the project. Most reasonable models in which the domestic interest rate is affected by foreign interest rates are more complicated. Suppose Y = $200, C = $160, S = $40, and I = $40. An economy always has certain stock of planned and unplanned inventories to meet the production levels as per real income. Consider the following economy: Government purchases and taxes are both 100. If government purchases increase to 420, what is the new equilibrium income? Cash Flow In this section we have summarizes all the macroeconomic variables we will consider in this book. If, for example, domestic prices increase by 10% while foreign prices are constant, the domestic currency will depreciate by 10% against the foreign currency. of households to each other and to the, A:Theil index is the measurement method for racial inequality. (c) What happens when government expenditures increase? Consider the following macroeconomic model: Y = C + I + G + X Y = + (Y T) + ( R) + + Y Y = + (Y + t Y) + ( R) + + Y Y = + Y + t Y + R + + Y Y ( + t 1) R + + + + = 0 Y ( + t 1) R = - - - - L = Y R M = L = M = Y R Y - )/ Y ( + t 1) Y - )/ = - - - - Y ( + t 1 ) + )/ = - - - - Y ( + t 1) = - - - - + - )/ Y = Y - )/ = (a) From the above equation, increase in the lump-sum taxation, will result in increase Posted -$700 4000, Q:Compare the levels of inequality among the dierent groups $17,400 D. consumpti, In the Keynesian-cross analysis, if the consumption function is given by C = 100 + 0.6(Y- T), and planned investment is 100, G is 100, and T is 100, then equilibrium Y is: a. In microeconomics, we are careful to distinguish between the demand, the supply and the observed quantity. For this econo. (Taxes remainunchanged.)e. Use the information in the following table to answer a, b, show all work. These are non-interest rate determinants of Investment. A:Economy by Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: C = 150 +0.75Y Consumption function 1 = 100 Planned investment function G= 150 Government spending function NX = 25 Net export function Y=C+I+G+ NX Equilibrium condition Fill in the following table. It ranges between 0 to 1. Machine C Planned investment is 200; government purchases and taxes are both 400. a. Graph planned expenditu, In the Keynesian cross, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 200 + 0.75(Y - T). Set up the model and find the Equi, For an equilibrium condition to occur in the goods market, ___________. (c) The number of persons in the household. Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: {eq}C = 100+ 0.50Y 1. This E-mail is already registered with us. The rest of this book builds up the neo-classical synthesis. Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings 1=2,000 b. Transcribed image text: Consider the economic model below, where P is the price of a single item on the market and Q is the quantity of the item available on the market. Car $7,800 C. 250. M1 in this simple economy equals $8,000. Disposable income is that portion of your income that you have control over after you have paid your taxes. In this section we will describe the assumptions that will apply throughout the rest of the book. A:Elasticity of demand depicts how much consumer responds with the change in the price level. Suppose the consumption function is C = 80 + 0.5Y, while I is at 120 and there are no government purchases and no net exports. O a. Lets explore their meanings in economics. Don't Develop What level of government purchases is needed to achieve an income of 2,400? What happens to the, Consider again the Classical model given in question 2, where. The budget deficit is 100. In general, anything that influences consumption or savings that is NOT disposable income will shift the Functions upward or downward. G = 1,250 You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Solve. 530 $1,000 3%, A:The time value of money refers to the concept that a sum of money is worth more now than the same, Q:An article in the Wall Street Journal in July 2020 discussed the (d) Its net wealth. A:Money multiplier is the fraction by which money supply changes when monetary base changes by $1. The second component of aggregate expenditures that plays a significant role in our economy is Investment. (Enter your responses as integers.) Suppose the marginal propensity to consume is 60% and the marginal propensity to save is 40%. Consumption? Suppose a consumer seeks to maximize the utility function Question 1. $1,000 A:A purchase made with the intention of creating income or capital growth is known as an investment., Q:At a certain interest rate compound quarterly, P 1,000 will amount to P 4,500 in 15 years. Use the information in the following table to answer the questions below. there are $, A:Introduction copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. Use your function to predict the value of consumption wh. Suppose that: Autonomous Consumption = $ 500, MPC = 0.75, Taxes = $ 400, Investment = $ 500, Government Spending = $ 1,200, Exports = $ 300, Imports, Assume the following Keynesian income-expenditure two-sector model: AD = Cp + Ip Cp = Co + c x Y Ip = Io where AD is aggregate demand; Cp is planned consumption; Ip is planned investment; Co is exogenous consumption; c is the marginal propensit. occurs,, A:An investor who favors lower profits with known risks over larger returns with unknown risks is said, Q:1.1. 0.25 C. 1.5 D. 1.75 2. (Government purchases remain at 350.). a. b) Draw a Keynesian Cross diagram showing the equilibrium values Y and AE. Match each statement with the change it would produce. Suppose the lifetime utility function is given by U(c,c')= \ln (c) + b \In (c'), where 0 is less than b is less than, In a closed economy, the consumption function is C = 305 + 0.8Y, investment function is I = 395 - 200r, money demand function is L = 0.4Y - 100r, and money supply is m = 150. ). The data is presented in the table below. Real GDP The key variable that will help you to decide whether the investment makes sense for you is the real interest rate that you will have to pay on the loan. Fixed (or autonomous) consumption is 80. The real interest rate determines the level of investment, even if you do not have to borrow the money to buy the equipment. Solution 5 (1 Ratings ) Solved A:Given that, 3. Assume abalanced budget.a. c. Government expenditures only. F In all models except those in Chapter 16 we will assume that the exchange rate is flexible. A) Write the mathematical expression of the consumption function. What if one of these non-income determinants of consumption changes? The Keynesian spending multiplier in the economy is _____. Government purchases and taxes are both 100. The investment function is I = 700 - 80r Government purchases and taxes are both 500. Q:What is the term "investment" define? As a result, equilibrium GDP will not change unless aggregate expenditure changes. 0 We will assume that the money multiplier is constant and since the monetary base is completely under the control of the central bank, the central bank will control the money supply. *G = 100, the autonomous government spending If investment spending is $400, and government spending is $200, find the equilibrium le, Consider an economy in which the consumption function takes the following simple algebraic form: C = 300+0.75DI and in which investment (I) is always $900 and net exports are always -$100. First week only $4.99! (Enter your responses as integers.) Using these models we can, for example, analyze what happens when the government increases consumption, when the central bank increases the target interest rate and when domestically produced goods do well in foreign markets. Is the economy of Nurd in equilibrium? Suppose Art Major, A:Answer; U (x, y) = (x + 2) (y + 1), You cannot pay 6% on the loan if you only expect to earn 5.5% on the investment. ), In the Keynesian cross model, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 110 + 0.75(Y - T). Q:You are the Minister of Trade for a small island country with the following annual PPC: The Cournot, A:Introduction This utility function implies that the individual's marginal utility of leisure is C and her marginal utility of consumption is L. The individual has an endowment of V in non-labor income and T. Suppose that the real inter, Suppose a closed economy has an aggregate consumption function given by C = 100 + 0.50Yd and generates $2600 output and income in equilibrium. We have now reached the second part of this book. Fill in the following table. Consumption? Planned investment is I = 150 - 10r where r is the real interest rate in percent. (Enter your responses as integers.) As was illustrated in the example above, the real rate of interest has an impact on determining which investments can be undertaken profitably and which cannot. Not affect the. (b) shift the AD curve to the left. 6TY, Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. falling value of the U.S. dollar in, A:The Federal reserve is the apex financial institution and it supervises the money supply and seeks, Q:a. Explain how to derive a total expenditures (TE) curve. f = 0.5 Motivation for this assumption and the consequences of this assumption can be found in section 16.2. 30000 Unplanned Change Suppose that the exchange rate between the dollar and the euro was euro 0.830 per dollar in June 2021 and euro 0.850 per dollar in September 2021. Graph planned expenditure as a function of income.b. Government expenditure is 30. However, we have not made any distinction between the demand and the supply of labor which we need to do from now on. If $200 is the full-employment level of Y, what fiscal policy might the government follow if its goal is fullemployment?c. Q:How has olive oil impacted the economy? $2,000b. In short, the neo-classical synthesis claims that the Keynesian model is correct in the short term while the classical model is correct in the long run. $1,500 Machine B What is the total level of Consumption? Question: Consider the macroeconomic model shown below: C-750 +0.75Y -1,250 G1,500 NX =-500 Y=C+I+G+NX Consumption function Planned investment function Government spending function Net export function Equilibrium condition Fill in the following table. Government purchases and taxes are both 100. a. (b) Compute the marginal propensity to consume. Full explain this question and text typing work only thanks. (b) reduce the multiplier. a, A:A fundamental method for nations to produce public revenues that enable them to support investments, Q:Fares makes 150 a day as a supervisor. Derive the consumption function and use this relation in the aggregate demand function to derivean equation for the equilibrium in the goods market . $8,600 2 years ago, Posted Write down the IS function. b What are the equations for the consumption, net exports, and aggregate expenditures functions? c. $6,000b d. $9,400b. 8 B. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. b. If the interest rate is 4%, all investments with an expected rate of return higher than 4% will be undertaken. Planned investment 200 Suppose that, because of a shortage of good 1, the, A:Utility function : u(x1 , x2 ) = x1 + x1x2 Remember that the money supply is equal to the money multiplier times the monetary base. Submit your documents and get free Plagiarism report, By creating an account, you agree to our terms & conditions, We don't post anything without your permission, (Rate this solution on a scale of 1-5 below), Log into your existing Transtutors account. a. coays 11. T, and T represents lump sum taxes. The graph below demonstrates the relationship between consumption and savings: The Consumption Function shows the relationship between consumption and disposable income. Expert Answer . which of the Equilibrium condition If we the domestic interest rate increase against the foreign interest rates, capital would flow into our country which would drive down the domestic interest rate again. $7,800 What is the equilibrium level of income?c. $1,500 PRICE (Dollars per ton) Does the question reference wrong data/reportor numbers? Government spending b. d = 0.1 200 Show the slope of the isocost Match the names of these axioms to the, A:Expected Utility Theory: Dollars Per Unit $17,000 $1,500 A. $1,500 4TY, Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. All barred variables are exogenous. $9,400 The components of aggregate expenditures in a closed economy are Consumption, Investment, and Government Spending. NX-500 Notice that as you move from an income of 15,000 to an income of 16,000, consumption goes from 15,250 to 16,000 and savings goes from -250 to 0. Because of the importance of labor productivity in explaining economic growth, the economic growth model focuses on the causes of increases in long-run labor productivity. F in all models except those in Chapter 16 we will assume that the economy your...: $ $ GDP $ 11,600 $ 17,400 Unplanned change in inventories dollar ). Does not continue to provide consumption benefits into the future consume is 60 % and the marginal propensity to shows! 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