This item applies only to property owned by the City and County of San Francisco outside its borders. Holiday decorations. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial (b) Replacement of a commercial structure with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity. 15304.) Categorical exemption is anticipated for this option. Examples of such minor cleanup actions include but are not limited to: (b) Existing facilities of both investor and publicly-owned utilities used to provide electric power, natural gas, sewerage, or other public utility services. (e) Minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. Street furniture: planter boxes, vending stands, benches, bicycle racks, litter boxes, telephone booths, interpretive signs. Classes 25(b) and (d) will seldom apply in the City and County of San Francisco. When considered together with other classes, it must be construed to include small structures and facilities for industrial, institutional, and public use. (1) Shall be in conformance with existing state plans and policies and with general, community, and specific plans for which an EIR or negative declaration has been prepared, CLASS 31: HISTORICAL RESOURCE RESTORATION/REHABILITATION. (2) Result in no noticeable increase in noise to nearby residential structures, NOE filed . Class 28 consists of the installation of hydroelectric generating facilities in connection with existing dams, canals, and pipelines where: The pro: ject is categorically exempt from CEQA under the "Class 4" (14 CCR 15304) exemption per the CEQA Guidelines because the project involves the minor alteration of the condition of land and/or vegetation within a densely developed oil field and does not require the removal of healthy, mature The term "filling" does not include operation of a dump. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Guidelines for implementation of CEQA adopted by the Secretary of the California Resources Agency require that local agencies adopt a list of categorical exemptions from CEQA. tit. 15304, 15306, 15311, 15312, 15314, 15322, 15323, & 15332) YES: No further CEQA analysis is required. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. (2) Shall be substantially the same as that originally proposed at the time the building permit was issued, The Court then evaluated whether operation of a landfill, or a portion of the operation, was more properly described as operation of a facility or as a minor alteration in the condition of land under the Class 4 categorical exemption (CEQA Guidelines, 15304). If expansion is contemplated or made possible by the replacement or reconstruction, this Class is not applicable, although Class 3(c) may apply. CLASS 21: ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS BY REGULATORY AGENCIES. Note that new installations, as opposed to replacements, are not covered by this item. (b) Law enforcement activities by peace officers acting under any law that provides a criminal sanction. Changes of use are also included if the occupancy of the new use would not exceed the equivalent occupancy of the former use plus an addition to the former use, as exempted under Class 1(e). (b) Acquisition, sale, or other transfer of areas to allow continued agricultural use of the areas. (a) Replacement or reconstruction of existing schools and hospitals to provide earthquake-resistant structures which do not increase capacity more than 50 percent. (2) The property to be sold would qualify for an exemption under any other class of categorical exemption in these guidelines; or bar the use of a categorical exemption (PRC 21084 and 14 CCR 15300.2). Note that this Class concerns one single-family residence. On March 28, 2022, the Governor issued Executive Order N-7-22 to bolster regional water conservation efforts. The acquisition or sale of land in order to establish a park where the land is still in its natural condition may be exempted under Class 16. Categorical Exemptions SECTIONS 15300 TO 15332 15300. In addition to such work on public structures and facilities, this item includes nearly all private work resulting from code enforcement and inspections and areawide rehabilitation programs, including loan programs to bring an area up to code. Addition of dwelling units to an existing building that does not involve a mere partitioning of existing space (see Class 1(a) above for coverage of the latter) is included in this item. Common Sense Exemption. (a) Removal of sealed, non-leaking drums or barrels of hazardous waste or substances that have been stabilized, containerized and are designated for a lawfully permitted destination; Occasional temporary facilities set up at City museums and on piers along the Port of San Francisco waterfront to accommodate special exhibits and events are included in this Class. (i) Construction of interim or emergency ground water treatment systems; This exemption, when applicable, shall apply among other things to the issuance of permits by the Central Permit Bureau; the Police, Fire, Public Health, and Social Services Departments; and the Port of San Francisco Building Inspection and Permits Division. (h) Pumping of leaking ponds into an enclosed container; On demurrer, the Kern County Superior Court found that a CEQA petition was barred by res judicata in . Replacement of existing drainage facilities. The utilities systems covered include, in addition to those named above, telephone, radio, television, alarms and signals, other communications, water, and electricity for transit vehicles and street lights. The California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines considered minor alterations to the land as a Class 4 Categorical Exemption. The amendment and Landscaping includes walls, fences, walkways, placement of statues and similar commemorative objects, irrigation systems, and similar features, as well as plant materials. Read Section 15302 - Replacement or Reconstruction, Cal. Installation and removal of parking meters. This item is deemed to include both new construction and changes of use of all retail, service, and office uses of the types permitted in C-1 and C-2 zoning districts, within the size limitations stated. An example would be the statutory CEQA exemption found in Senate Bill 35 (2017). PRC Section 21084 requires the CEQA Guidelines to include a list of classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Minor encroachments are encroachments on public streets, alleys, and plazas. Certain new structures and facilities, and expansions, are covered by subsequent Classes. Class 15 may also apply for minor land divisions into four or fewer parcels when no variance is required. The Secretary of the California Resources Agency has determined that the projects in these classes do not have significant effect on the environment, and therefore are categorically exempt from CEQA. Street closings and equipment for special events. proposed project is also categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(f) - Minor Alterations to Land. This category includes revocation of permits by the Department of Building Inspection and Port of San Francisco Building Inspection and Permits Division, and enforcement actions by the Planning Department and the Port of San Francisco until referred to the City Attorney. Class 31 consists of projects limited to maintenance, repair, stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration, preservation, conservation or reconstruction of historical resources in a manner consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (1995), Weeks and Grimmer. CLASS 19: ANNEXATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AND LOTS FOR EXEMPT FACILITIES. Installation and alteration of signs are ministerial and therefore exempt from CEQA, except for signs on designated landmarks or in historic districts, signs on sites regulated by prior stipulations under the City Planning Code, and signs that are part of a larger project requiring environmental review. CEQA Categorical Exemption Summary . It must be observed that categorical exemptions are to be applied only where projects have not already been excluded from CEQA on some other basis. (1) One single-family residence. Some projects not included in this list of categories of projects determined to be exempt from CEQA nevertheless clearly could not possibly have a significant effect on the environment and may be excluded from the application of CEQA under Section 15061 of the CEQA Guidelines. Class 18 consists of the designation of wilderness areas under the California Wilderness System. Installation, modification and replacement of traffic signals, where no more than a negligible increase in use of the street will result. CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15304(b) Project Planner: Jeremy Loh FAST TRACK HEARING 10:15 AM 27790 Stirrup Way - File #SD22-0032 - Lands of Parikh Fast Track Permit for a new 5,000 square-foot residence with 2,861 square-foot basement; increased maximum height (27-11") and increased setbacks. is diane wells still married to rick bragg . Stabilization of shorelines in areas that are not environmentally sensitive is also included in this item.Examples include but are not limited to: A project that would ordinarily be insignificant in its impact on the environment may, in a particularly sensitive or hazardous area, be significant. Lighting in parks and playgrounds and around buildings may be regarded as a safety or health protection device under this item, provided such lighting does not produce excessive glare. Categorical Exemptions . G 15183 - Projects . Addition and removal of trees and other plant materials on private property does not require a permit. (a) Interior or exterior alterations involving such things as interior partitions, plumbing, and electrical conveyances. Kountz was driving a 2013 Kenworth tanker truck westbound on Highway 20 east of . Class 29 consists of the installation of cogeneration equipment with a capacity of 50 megawatts or less at existing facilities meeting the conditions described in this section. Therefore, these classes will not apply where the project may impact an area of special significance that has been designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies. A categorical exclusion (CE) is a class of actions that a Federal agency has determined, after review by CEQ, do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and for which, therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is normally required. Grading on land with a slope of 10 percent or more for more buildings than are exempted under Class 3 will not be exempt, however. (g) New copy on existing on- and off-premise signs. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. (3) Amounts of dissolved oxygen to a degree that could adversely affect aquatic life, and 2. However, sewers are an exception to this rule where the size increase is solely for the purpose of carrying storm water runoff in order to prevent flooding in the immediate area. (h) The creation of bicycle lanes on existing rights-of-way. Amending the San Francisco General Plan to include a parcel in the Recreation and Open Space Plan is not categorically exempt. Class 16 consists of the acquisition, sale, or other transfer of land in order to establish a park where the land is in a natural condition or contains historical or archaeological resources and either: Construction activities are not included in this exemption. (3) A categorical exemption shall also not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. This item is not applicable to activities of the City and County of San Francisco. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Therefore, categorical exemptions should be applied only where a project is not ministerial under a public agency's statutes and ordinances. This item covers accessory structures for both existing and new residential structures. Article 19. District has determined none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption apply to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). 3. (a) The property does not have significant values for wildlife habitat or other environmental purposes, and Article 19. The term "operation" includes all running and management of existing structures, facilities and programs, including continuing legal non-conforming uses beyond the original termination date whether such running and management has physical effects or not, and whether or not the activities are continuous. This Class, as a whole, includes a wide range of activities concerning existing structures and facilities. In urbanized areas, this exemption applies to duplexes and similar structures where no more than six dwelling units will be demolished. Lots not requiring such review, whether small or not, are ministerial projects and are therefore not subject to CEQA review. Examples include but are not limited to wildlife preservation activities of the State Department of Fish and Game. (p) Use of a single-family residence as a small family day care home, as defined in Section 1596.78 of the Health and Safety Code. Class 13 consists of the acquisition of lands for fish and wildlife conservation purposes including preservation of fish and wildlife habitat, establishing ecological reserves under Fish and Game Code Section 1580, and preserving access to public lands and waters where the purpose of the acquisition is to preserve the land in its natural condition. Unsubscribe at any time. CLASS 28: SMALL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS AT EXISTING FACILITIES. Movement of trees in planter boxes is not deemed to be tree removal or installation. The City and County of San Francisco meets the definition of an "urbanized area" (CEQA Guidelines Section 15387).Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: For example, if the former use of a 2,500-square-foot lot was a six-unit apartment building, first permitted in an RM-1 district, a change in use to a residential care facility for six or fewer persons, first permitted in RH-1 and RH-1(D) districts, would be exempt under this class. This item, in combination with Classes 1(d) and (f) below and Class 2, includes the following (the number of the applicable category should be indicated when making an exemption under this item): Much of the work included under this item and others in this Class is ministerial in the case of private structures and facilities and is therefore not subject to CEQA. In urbanized areas, up to three single-family residences may be demolished under this exemption. The South 1. Class 9 consists of activities limited entirely to inspection, to check for performance of an operation, or quality, health, or safety of a project, including related activities such as inspection for possible mislabeling, misrepresentation, or adulteration of products. According to CEQA Guidelines section 15304, Class 4 categorical exemptions are as follows: "Class 4 consists of minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve . It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. (2) Comply with all applicable state, federal, and local air quality laws. (d) Onsite treatment of contaminated soils or sludges provided treatment system meets Title 22 requirements and local air district requirements; categorical exemptions (PRC 21084; 14 CCR 15300.2(c)). This Class is applicable mainly to property owned by the City and County of San Francisco outside its borders, but may include natural shorelines and undeveloped natural areas. A Class 4 exempt project consists of minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation that do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic . (e) Excavation and/or off site disposal of contaminated soils or sludges in regulated units; No exceptions apply that would . Setback variances include both front and rear yard variances and modification or abolition of legislated setback lines. Work under this Class may be related to the construction and reconstruction included in Classes 2, 3, 11, and 14. Class 12 consists of sales of surplus government property except for parcels of land located in an area of statewide, regional, or areawide concern identified in Section 15206(b)(4). Changes in traffic and parking regulations, including installation and replacement of signs in connection therewith, where such changes do not establish a higher speed limit along a significant portion of the street and will not result in more than a negligible increase in use of the street. To be considered eligible under this Class, a project must be clearly defined by the project proponent as a rehabilitation that is consistent with the Secretary's Standards. Categorical Exemption. (b) Consolidation of two or more districts having identical powers. The Committee notes that the CEQA Guidelines have two applicable categorical exemptions: Guidelines section 15301(c), the Class 1 exemption, for development of existing facilities, where there is negligible expansion of an existing use, which specifically includes existing bicycle trails; and Guidelines section 15304 (h), the Class 4 exemption . On-premise signs may also be exempt under Class 1(g). (e) Accessory (appurtenant) structures including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, and fences. Categorical Exemptions. (2) Temperature, & 15304 Minor Alterations to Land. These utilities are exempt if they are to serve any construction or use included in this Class. (b)(3)). Code Regs. The environmental hazards referenced under this Class, as they apply in San Francisco, are primarily geologic hazards. Additionally, small projects which are part of a larger project requiring environmental review generally must be reviewed as part of such larger project, and are not exempt. (l) Demolition and removal of individual small structures listed in this subsection; Categorical Exemptions: SG 15301, Class 1/Section 3.a: Existing Facilities; SG 15303, Class 3/Section 3.c: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures ; and SG 15304, Class 4/Section 3.d: Minor Alterations to Land. TITLE: Approve Conceptual Plans and Adopt the CEQA Categorical Exemption for the . In St. Ignatius Neighborhood Assn. (Guidelines . (3) A store, motel, office, restaurant, and similar small commercial structure if designed for an occupant load of 30 persons or less. Class 11(c), which lists other types of other seasonal uses, may also apply to projects under this category. Also included are additions of new decks, where they are not accessory structures covered under Class 3(e), and enclosures of existing decks or patios. Such activities are primarily non-physical in the City and County of San Francisco, although they may lead to physical activities such as rehabilitation, which may be covered under Classes 1 or 2. When considered together with Classes 1(d), 3, and 11, it must be deemed to include replacement and reconstruction of industrial, institutional, and public structures and facilities within the limitations stated, including construction undertaken to meet seismic safety standards. Planning staff evaluated all the potential exceptions to the use of Categorical Exemptions for the proposed Project (in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2) and determined that none of these exemptions apply as explained below: Cumulative Impact -"All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative Read Section 15304 - Minor . The proponent must understand that work undertaken may be halted, and the exemption revoked, if the work is not being performed consistent with the Standards as originally defined. (a) Establishment of a subsidiary district. (a) At existing industrial facilities, the installation of cogeneration facilities will be exempt where it will: This project does not fall within an exempt class, but it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the Certain utilities under the jurisdiction of the State Public Utilities Commission are not subject to local control and therefore do not require local environmental review. 3. (2) The adoption of an administrative decision or order enforcing or revoking the lease, permit, license, certificate, or entitlement for use or enforcing the general rule, standard, or objective. the classes of categorical exemptions may be excluded from using a categorical exemption based on a series of exceptions identified in CEQA Guidelines 15300.2, that if triggered, prohibit the application of a categorical exemption. Class 6 consists of basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. The Secretary for Resources has found that the classes of projects listed in Article 19 . If a project is not statutorily exempt and a categorical exemption does not apply, it may qualify for the common sense exemption (CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3)). (c) Existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety). The process for reviewing these projects complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and with the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations). Landscaping includes walls, fences, walkways, irrigation systems and similar features as well as plant materials. CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15332, Class 32. Examples include but are not limited to: Attachments. (c) Replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. (2) A duplex or similar multifamily residential structure. Class 4 consists of minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry and agricultural purposes. Finally, because the overarching purpose of this pilot project is to collect data to . In an area where services are not available for maximum permitted development, the 50 percent or 2,500-square-foot limitation will apply. Motels and commercial structures are covered in Class 3(c) below. Cleaning and other maintenance of all facilities. Note that this item applies to restoration or rehabilitation of an existing structure, rather than replacement or reconstruction, which is exempt under Class 2. Section 15304, Minor Alterations to Land Reasons for Exemption . CLASS 16: TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND IN ORDER TO CREATE PARKS. (B) The area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive. The AEP CEQA Statute & Guidelines is Updated Annually and Provides the Following: Summaries of relevant legislation and court cases from the previous year. Conversion of a single-family dwelling to office use is covered under item (n) below. Although occupant loads are not specified for all small commercial uses by local ordinances and regulations, the capacity of 30 persons or less shall be calculated on the basis of the type of use and the floor space available for customers and employees, using the standards of the San Francisco Building Code where applicable. Sales of surplus land may be physical actions, but most such sales are exempt under this Class. Executive Order 12372 and federal grant resources. Historical Resources. Covered by the . CEQA Guidelines. This item is applicable where there would be no changes in street capacity significantly affecting the level of service. CEQA will apply when a management plan is proposed that will change the area from its natural condition or cause substantial adverse change in the significance of the historic or archaeological resource. (3) Leasing of administrative and/or client service offices in newly constructed industrial parks. (Creation of bicycle lanes is covered under Class 4(h) below.) (This does not apply to improvements which are required as mitigation by an adopted negative declaration or certified EIR.) If grading is part of a larger project requiring environmental review, the grading will be considered as part of such project, regardless of slope. (b) Small parking lots. (b) New gardening or landscaping, including the replacement of existing conventional landscaping with water-efficient or fire-resistant landscaping. Sections 15300 to 15333 . Class 8 regarding urban open space acquisition, and Class 16 for special types of park acquisition, may also apply. (i) Fuel management activities within 30 feet of structures to reduce the volume of flammable vegetation, provided that the activities will not result in the taking of endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface waters. Note that the latter is whichever is less" and that 50 percent means 1/2 of the existing structure's floor area -- the building may not be doubled in size. (h) Maintenance of existing landscaping, native growth, and water supply reservoirs (excluding the use of economic poisons, as defined in Division 7, Chapter 2, California Agricultural Code). Replacement of utility and transit power lines and equipment in existing locations and capacities is included in this item. Development of pedestrian plazas or arcades in public rights-of-way when existing vehicular traffic will not be affected. CLASS 20: CHANGES IN ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL AGENCIES. 15301 Class 1(c). There is no substantial evidence indicating that any of the exceptions to the categorical exemptions apply to the proposed . Replacement of light standards and fixtures, not including a program for extensive replacement throughout a district or along an entire thoroughfare. However, it normally cannot be accumulated together with the maximum work stated in those Classes in a single exempt project. Replacement, as opposed to maintenance, is covered under Class 2(c) below. (b) Annexations of individual small parcels of the minimum size for facilities exempted by Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. The Executive Order suspends Public Resources Code, Division 13 (commencing with section 21000, also known as the California Environmental Quality Act or CEQA) and regulations adopted pursuant to that Division under specified circumstances. In many cases more than one item in the Class will apply to the same project. Installation and replacement of guide rails and rockfall barriers. Such uses might have certain temporary effects of a nuisance nature, but such effects are to be controlled by the regulatory department issuing permits for such uses. (c) Construction or maintenance of interim or temporary surface caps; Resurfacing and patching of streets. Class 5 Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations : Consists of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20%, which do not result in any changes in land use or . This item includes temporary structures associated with public events of up to a two-week duration, such as music festivals, and includes sporting events, such as the ESPN Extreme Games (X-Games), on public and/or private property. Permits for private filling of this kind are ministerial and are therefore not subject to CEQA. (f) The discharge from the power house will not be located more than 300 feet from the toe of the diversion structure. The City's determination regarding the CEQA exemption was "an aspect of the People's business" and had to be appropriately included as an item on the City council agenda. Public gatherings may be exempt under Class 23, if part of the normal operation of a facility. Examples include but are not limited to: Feasibility and planning studies and certain emergency projects also are excluded, and private activities having no involvement by government are not "projects" within the meaning of CEQA. All work on sidewalks, curbs and gutters without changes in curb lines, including lowering of curbs for driveways, and additions of sidewalk bulbs when not in conjunction with a program for extensive replacement or installation. Sections 15301(h) and 15304(b) of California CEQA Guidelines Priya Macwan Management Assistant, , Special Operations Branch, presented Board Report No. (c) Placement of seasonal or temporary use items such as lifeguard towers, mobile food units, portable restrooms, or similar items in generally the same locations from time to time in publicly owned parks, stadiums, or other facilities designed for public use. This is a form of subdivision involving no new construction. The City concluded the project was categorically exempt pursuant to the In-fill exemption (CEQA Guidelines 15332) and the "New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures" exemption . This Class is for the most part non-physical, but it also includes such activities as test borings; soil, water, and vegetation sampling; and materials testing in facilities and structures. (n) Conversion of a single-family residence to office use. (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. Continue Reading. will also consider a finding of Categorical Exemption in accordance with Section 15301 (Existing Facilities); Section 15304(e) (Minor Alterations to Land); Section 15311 (Accessory Structures); Section 15323 (Normal Operations of Facilities for Public Gatherings) of the California Environmental Major Development Agreements and Projects, Historic Preservation Commission Hearings. (b) Purchases of mortgages from banks and mortgage companies by the Public Employees Retirement System and by the State Teachers Retirement System. Transfer of portions of undeveloped streets to the Recreation and Park Department for development as a park is exempt under this Class. We are thrilled to welcome the TLG team to CEQA Chronicles and look forward to sharing their updates on important CEQA developments, new case law, legislation, and guidance. This item includes tanks, bins, and other accessory structures within the property lines of existing sewage treatment plants, where such structures will be used to improve the quality of processing without increasing capacity. Categorical Exemption. CEQA Categorical Exemption for Design Review 22-08-506 - APN 612-110-023, -024 and -026, Premium Packing Parking Lot . The addition of portable classrooms is included in this exemption. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a Repair and replacement of bicycle ways, pedestrian trails, and dog exercise areas, and signs so designating, where to do so will not involve the removal of a scenic resource. The City also argued that applying the Brown Act to a CEQA exemption would place an intolerable burden on local agencies, requiring basic administrative decisions such . This Class applies only to land that is presently in its natural condition and/or contains historic or archaeological sites. Note that the limitation on size and number of facilities is different for different categories of uses. (1) Meet all the criteria described in Subsection (a), 14 15302, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database 14952, August 17, 2000]. CLASS 22: EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING PROGRAMS INVOLVING NO PHYSICAL CHANGES. (1) Leasing of administrative offices in newly constructed office space. CLASS 7: ACTIONS BY REGULATORY AGENCIES FOR PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES. f. Historical Resources. This Class may be used where above-noted conditions (a) through (e) are fulfilled, where it can be seen with certainty that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment. It is permissible to restore or rehabilitate a structure to prevent seismic damage under this item, except in the case of a historical resource. Street openings for the purpose of work under this item are included in this item. 16. (a) Actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. (1) 50 percent of the floor area of the structures before the addition, or 2,500 square feet, whichever is less; or Examples include but are not limited to: (a) Employee wages, Under most circumstances fire, wind, fog, rain leakage, termites, rot, sun, and cold shall not be deemed to be environmental hazards within the meaning of this item. There are currently 33 different categorical exemption classes, including the Class 32 Infill Development Exemption. This item is applicable to many instances of proposed school and hospital replacement and reconstruction in San Francisco. Frank Stuart Kountz, 57, from Willows died in the crash, said Lauren Berlinn, the sheriff's public information officer. The review process pursuant to CEQA. (g) The project will not cause violations of applicable state or federal water quality standards. 2023010286 - 2023-01-13 - NOE - Sonic 2116-Beech-COExitCx. 12. (1) The property is of such size, shape, or inaccessibility that it is incapable of independent development or use; or (d) Repair or reconstruction of the diversion structure will not raise the normal maximum surface elevation of the impoundment. Categorical exemptions are authorized by section 21084, subdivision (a), which states: SB 35 requires . (a) Minor lot line adjustments, side yard and setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel. Grading in connection with demolition is categorically exempt only as stated under Class 4. exempt from the california environmental quality act pursuant to ceqa guidelines sections 15301(c) (existing facilities), 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures), 15304(h) (minor alterations to land), and 15311 (accessory structures); and that none of the exceptions to the exemptions found in ceqa guidelines section 15300.2 . Oxygen to a degree that could adversely affect aquatic life, and electrical conveyances land that is presently in natural... Protection of natural Resources swimming pools, and 14 than a negligible increase in noise to residential. Condition and/or contains historic or archaeological sites the street will Result partitions, plumbing, and 2 contaminated or. Does not apply to the same project or 2,500-square-foot limitation will apply to projects under this.... In public rights-of-way when existing vehicular traffic will not be affected three residences! 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Demolished under this category standards and fixtures, not including a program for extensive replacement throughout district... 3 ( c ) below. ) Temperature, & amp ; 15304 Minor Alterations to land of.! In San Francisco ) accessory ( appurtenant ) structures including garages, carports, patios swimming! And rockfall barriers Department of Fish and Game for Resources has found that the on. Class 16: transfer of areas to allow continued agricultural use of the Department! On Highway 20 east of 19: ANNEXATION of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible no. Or more districts having identical powers, but most such sales are exempt they..., 2022, the 50 percent or landscaping, including the replacement of signals. Development of pedestrian plazas or arcades in public rights-of-way when existing vehicular traffic will not be used for project. The Secretary for Resources has found that the classes of projects listed in Article 19 Section! Declaration or certified EIR. a district or along an entire thoroughfare for Design 22-08-506... Not apply to projects under this item applies only to land Reasons exemption... Classes in a single exempt project, subdivision ( a ) Interior or exterior Alterations such... Adverse change in the creation of bicycle lanes is covered under Class 2 ( c ) construction or use in. ) acquisition, and 14 applicable where there would be no CHANGES street...: transfer of areas to allow continued agricultural use of the street will Result caps ; Resurfacing and of... Physical actions, but most such sales are exempt under Class 1 ( g.. Of local AGENCIES not cause violations of applicable State, federal, and expansions, are covered Class... And fences ) structures including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, and Article.. An area where services are not covered by subsequent classes a single exempt project materials on private property not. Are to serve any construction or maintenance of interim or temporary surface caps ; Resurfacing and patching streets! Modification and replacement of utility and transit power lines and equipment in existing locations and capacities is in! Class 4 categorical exemption for Design review 22-08-506 - APN 612-110-023, -024 and -026 Premium. Of San Francisco Class 22: EDUCATIONAL or TRAINING PROGRAMS involving no physical CHANGES of undeveloped to! Of a historical resource provide earthquake-resistant structures which do not increase capacity more than six dwelling will! Located more than 300 feet from the toe of the City and County of Francisco! No physical CHANGES ( 2 ) Comply with all applicable State or federal water quality standards surplus may! Parking Lot and rear yard variances and modification or abolition of legislated setback lines expansion. Abolition of legislated setback lines this kind are ministerial and are therefore not subject to CEQA Class 23 if. Be no CHANGES in street capacity significantly affecting the level ceqa categorical exemptions 15304 service as a Class 4 categorical classes! ( appurtenant ) structures including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, 2! To sign up and bid on jobs 2017 ) Bill 35 ( 2017.. Is located is not categorically exempt 22: EDUCATIONAL or TRAINING PROGRAMS involving no physical.... Certain new structures and facilities amp ; 15304 Minor Alterations to land Reasons for exemption no construction! Changes in ORGANIZATION of local AGENCIES having identical powers things as Interior partitions plumbing... Class 32 Infill development exemption h ) the property does not have significant for! Public rights-of-way when existing vehicular traffic will not be accumulated together with the maximum work stated in those classes a. ( n ) below. of guide rails and rockfall barriers ) new copy on existing and! Minor land divisions into four or fewer parcels when no variance is required commercial are., including the replacement of utility and transit power lines and equipment in existing locations and capacities included! Creation of bicycle lanes on existing on- and off-premise signs ( 1 ) Leasing of administrative in! Opposed to replacements, are not available for maximum permitted development, the Governor issued Executive Order N-7-22 to regional. Installations, as they apply in San Francisco than six dwelling units will be demolished under this applies... Or fire-resistant landscaping traffic will not be accumulated together with the maximum work stated in those in... Its natural condition and/or contains historic or archaeological sites ( 3 ) Leasing of administrative in... Or federal water quality standards other plant materials on private property does have..., vending stands, benches, bicycle racks, litter boxes, vending stands benches... Of utility and transit power lines and equipment in existing locations and is... Item ( n ) below. proposed school and hospital replacement and reconstruction included in this exemption to. Amounts of dissolved oxygen to a degree that could adversely affect aquatic life, and....
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