However, about 85 percent of foreign aid goes to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and U.S.-government contractors, meaning that most of foreign aid is not being given directly to foreign governments.[32]. The money received from the country's development partners accounts for 23.3 percent of the national budget. The international conference on financing for development was called by the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, to prod countries into meeting the ambitious development goals set out at the UN millennium summit in 2000. Ministers and aid officials are gathering in Monterrey, Mexico, to discuss the aid and trade needs of the world's poorer countries. Page 23: "The United States was once the dominant provider of official development assistance to poorer countries, but by the early 1990s it provided only about one-sixth of the global total. Estonia contributed 1.1 percent of GDP in bilateral aid, followed by Latvia with 0.93 percent of GDP. In more than half, repayments to creditors were larger than spending on primary education. The threat of a trade war between Europe and the US, which imposed tariffs on steel imports, has cast a pall on a new trade round. Germany is the next largest donor, but the U.S. spends over $10 billion a year more than this nation. Number of civilian casualties during the war in Ukraine 2023, Comparison of the military capabilities of NATO and Russia 2022, Number of refugees from war-stricken Ukraine in CEE 2023, by country, Comparison of military capabilities of Russia and Ukraine 2022. [22], President Barack Obama announced to the UN Millennium Development Goals summit in September 2010 that the United States was changing its policy towards foreign aid. All Rights Reserved. Ireland, with less than a quarter of our per capita GNP, spends almost as great a proportion of its national income on aid as we do. U.S. Foreign Assistance by Country. Polish Finance Minister Magdalena Rzeczkowska discusses the significance of EU state aid for Poland and the challenges facing the country's economy. According to preliminary data total DAC ODA in 2003 reached $68.5 billion, the highest level ever, both in nominal and real terms. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Others think of it only as humanitarian relief for victims of disasters. However, they continue, "In real terms, ODA remained relatively stable, with a slight fall of 1.4 per cent." Explore the official U.S. Foreign Aid country data across sectors, implementing agencies, and activities in a highly visual and interactive dashboard, where you can compare values across regional averages and income groups. Initially this assistance was mainly in the form of technical cooperation, but during the 1950s, grants and concessional loans came to play a large role in development aid, within the framework of the Mutual Security Act and alongside foreign military assistance and defense support. The countries receiving the most were Great Britain ($3.3 billion), France ($2.3 billion) and West Germany ($1.4 billion). Rich Nations Fail Aid Pledge to Poor | Council on , Effects of Foreign Aid on GDP Growh and Fiscal Behavior , Understanding the Aid to GDP Relation: Not a Piece of Cake , A Brief History of U.S. Foreign Aid | World101, How is Foreign Aid Spent? Thalif Deen Though also pointed out (in the previous link) that the fall resulted "in part from falls in the exchange rates of some currencies against the United States dollar." But Mike Moore, the director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), said he did not expect new trade initiatives at Monterrey. [Online]. Here are the 10 countries that receive the most foreign aid: FOREIGN AID BY COUNTRY: WHO IS GETTING THE MOST AND HOW MUCH. ", "Doing well by doing good: foreign aid improves opinions of the U.S.", "American Public Vastly Overestimates Amount of U.S. Foreign Aid", "Americans love to hate foreign aid, but the right argument makes them like it a lot more", Preserving American Public Support for Foreign Aid., Race, Paternalism, and Foreign Aid: Evidence from U.S. Public Opinion., Brief Chronology and Highlights of the History of U.S. Foreign Assistance Activities, Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives, U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants: Obligations and Loan Authorizations, July 1, 1945 September 30, 2013, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,, Articles that may contain original research from December 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from December 2017, Articles needing cleanup from October 2012, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from October 2012, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from October 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the brent crude historical prices that they shared and/or collect in [35], Due to the size of the U.S. federal budget, the 0.7 percent put towards foreign aid comprises a significant proportion of all foreign aid flows including other donors. Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Free Privacy Policy Generator. But a lack of funds has limited its effectiveness. Polish Finance Minister Magdalena Rzeczkowska discusses the significance of EU state aid for Poland and the challenges facing the country's economy. the start of reconstruction aid to Iraq ($2 billion). USAID, This and the information about U.S. goods and ships is from, Other sources on the Marshall Plan used here include WebChina's foreign aid to Armenia has been a catalyst for economic growth and development in the country. In the end 52 countries had contributed as donors. The first table is based on official development assistance (ODA) figures published by the OECD for members of its Development Assistance Committee (DAC). These "real terms" data are adjusted both for inflation and for the large fluctuations in exchange rates over the past two years. UNRRA returned about 7 million displaced people to their countries of origin and provided refugee camps for about one million who were unwilling to be repatriated. In 2019, the nations GDP growth rate was almost 9 percent, the fifth-highest in the world. The United States could double its foreign aid expenditures and keep its foreign policy expenditures constant by a 3% cut in military spending. The U.S. Congress appropriated $20 million for the ARA under the Russian Famine Relief Act of 1921. 5. After the war, the United States began giving large amounts of aid to Greece and Turkey under the Truman doctrine. In December 1946, Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Tsaldaris visited Washington and requested additional United States aid. [32] Most U.S. foreign aid does not go to other governments due to skepticism about corruption in other countries. offset by a cyclical fall of contributions to multilateral concessional funds (-$1.2 billion) and a small decrease in net lending (-$0.5 billion). A poll conducted by World Public Opinion in 2010 found that the average estimate for how much of the government's budget is spent on foreign aid was 25 percent. Transforming Foreign Aid: United States Assistance in the 21st Century by Carol Lancaster, Institute for International Economic, Washington, August 2000. On the whole, ODA has been declining in recent years, even though the United Nations reports that it is "rather ironical that ODA should be experiencing a steady decline even as conditions are improving for its greater effectiveness". 10. The other European Union (EU) countries -- Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain - have not made any promises on the 0.7 percent target. [3] The largest aid programs of the post-war period were the Marshall Plan of 1948 and the Mutual Security Act of 1951-61. Over half of the U.S. population believes that about 28 percent of the federal budget is dedicated to foreign aid. Even allowing for the fact that much of itsaid is given in the form of concessional loans, the grant equivalent value of its aid was roughly $12 billion, by far the greatest total by this measure as well. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Compared to other nations, the U.S. by far spends more foreign aid than anyone else. Spend Its Foreign Aid? United States government aid remained high in the decade after the war because of contributions to European reconstruction, and competition for influence versus the Communist powers in the first years of the Cold War. Total debt per capita: $20,687 Denmark has reduced its debt by 25% as compared to 2021 which now corresponds to just 11% of the country's GDP. ODA is aid intended to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries and is reported under Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) rules. Thanks to the war, however, this was projected to hit 4.8 percent in 2022. Foreign aid is a very complicated issue. The other two, Denmark and the Netherlands, have not. Download all underlyining data as a text file (csv) - To come. The chief beneficiaries were China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland, the Ukrainian SSR and Yugoslavia. Canada, down -5.1%, following a repayment from India of about $300 million of its ODA debt stock, and after an exceptional rise of more than 30% in 2002 due to unusually high disbursements for debt relief; Norway up 4.7%: Norway achieved the highest ODA/GNI ratio in the DAC of 0.92 per cent, making progress towards its goal of 1% by 2005; and. Germany is the next largest donor, but the U.S. spends over $10 billion a year more than this nation. Prior to Monterrey, EU Members committed to collectively increase their ODA to 0.39% of GNI by 2006. Britain, on the other hand, has pledged to meet only 0.4 percent, and that too by 2005-2006. Although formally the material was loaned, in the end only partial repayment was demanded. Publicly suggested by Marshall in June 1947, and put into action about a year later, the Plan was essentially an extension of the GreeceTurkey aid strategy to the rest of Europe. USG sources of data on United States aid are: Non-USG sources of data on United States aid are: Aid given by the United States to other countries. But the industrialised countries avoided any concrete commitments either to improve market access for poor countries, or to reduce agricultural subsidies. WebQuantitatively, the U.S. spends the most on foreign aid of any country; however, as a percent of GDP, US foreign aid spending ranks near the bottom compared to other Three of them - promoting security, supporting development, and providing humanitarian relief - have existed for the past five decades. The falls in Italy and Portugal were largely due to lower disbursements to multilateral development banks, with Portugal also curtailing its bilateral technical co-operation due to budget constraints. The Communist countries were formally invited to participate in the Plan although Secretary Marshall thought it unlikely that they would accept and they did in fact decline the aid. These countries receive a significant amount of military aid. Ghana According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. spent $28.7 billion on ODA in 2009roughly 0.2 percent of GDP. By 1960, the annual aid amount had receded to about half of what it was in the early post-war years, and, in inflation-adjusted terms, it has remained at that levelwith some fluctuationsuntil the present.[8]. U.S. Assistance in International Perspective. Most of the fall from $9.8 billion in 2001 to $9.2 billion in 2002 was because the Yen depreciated against the US dollar. International development aid is given by many non-private donors. [33] The percentage of people who were provided no argument regarding foreign aid and thought the United States spends too much on it was 67 percent. When the world's governments met at the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, they adopted a programme for action - Agenda 21 - that included an aid target of 0.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) for rich countries. As of November 20, 2022, the value of U.S. bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine represented 0.23 percent of donor GDP. 02:43 10 minutes ago [31] Less than 19 percent of respondents thought that the percent of the budget that goes towards foreign aid was less than 5 percent. Much of the remaining third is used to promote US exports or to fight a war against drugs that could only be won by tackling drug abuse in the United States. When it comes to continents, significantly more gets spent in Africa (51%) Great comprehensive report: See this UN PDF document for the source of that quote but also more about trends and issues in financing development, etc. ", "How Much Is a Seat on the Security Council Worth? In May 1947 the U.S. government granted Greece $300 million in military and economic aid. Both countries were experiencing civil strife between communist and anti-communist factions, and the President and his advisors feared that their efforts to keep European countries from adopting communism might be about to suffer a serious setback. Breakdown of bilateral ODA by income group and by region; Bilateral ODA by sector (only when data available). In 2019, the nations GDP growth rate was almost 9 percent, the fifth-highest in the world. 23. Three other countries have given a firm date to reach the 0.7% target: Belgium by 2010; Ireland by 2007; and France to reach 0.5% by 2007 and 0.7% by 2012. 10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid: Several governmental agencies provide foreign aid, including the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Energy, and the Peace Corps, just to name a few. Reading through these few pages will provide you with some insight into the issue. A friend was recently debating the question of whether or not the U.S. is generous with foreign aid. The record is patchy, which allows its opponents to question its usefulness. Netherlands That said, when considering foreign aid as a percentage of total GDP ($21.43 trillion in 2019), the U.S. is one of the lowest spenders among all developed . US Foreign Aid by Country 2022, What if we spent 28 percent of GDP on Foreign Aid? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), MOPAN Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network, Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows. 11. Contributions from governments and private organizations during the four years of the program totaled over $3.8 billion; more than half of that was from the United States. Section 1 overview; Section 2 largest donors and recipients in a region; Section 3 Twelve of the twenty-two DAC member countries reported an increase in ODA in real terms. After the war, the American Relief Administration, directed by Herbert Hoover who had also been prominent in the CRB, continued food distribution to war-devastated European countries.,6512,669450,00.html. Is The U.S. The Lend-lease program, which began in 1941 (before the U.S. entrance in the war) was an arrangement whereby the United States sent large amounts of war materials and other supplies to nations whose defense was considered vital to the defense of the United States. [31] Steven Kull, director of PIPA, relates this overestimation towards an increase in hearing about foreign aid efforts during the Obama administration, but estimates of foreign aid have always been high. Americans annually give $35.1 billion each year in private donations -- more than three and a half times the amount given by ODA. Only five - the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Luxembourg. According to OECD estimates, fulfilling these promises would raise ODA in real terms by 31% (about $16 billion) and the ODA/GNI ratio to 0.26% by 2006-still well below the ratio of 0.33% consistently achieved until 1992. To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set Iraq received over $5 billion in 2016, Afghanistan also receives several billion, Israel received over $3 billion, and Egypt and Jordan each received over $1 billion in aid. In addition, three other purposes have gained in prominence in the past decade - supporting economic and political transitions in former socialist countries, addressing transnational problems, and promoting democracy abroad.,2340,en_2649_33721_31504022_1_1_1_1,00.html. [18][19], From 1945 to 1953 U.S. provides grants and credits amounting to $5.9 billion to Asian countries, especially Republic of China/Taiwan ($1.051 billion), India ($255 million), Indonesia ($215 million), Japan ($2.44 billion), South Korea ($894 million), Pakistan ($98 million) and the Philippines ($803 million). [33] This shows that the U.S. public is receptive to changing their beliefs about U.S. foreign aid based on the information presented. One of his colleagues pointed to data that show the U.S. giving less official development assistance, as a percentage of GDP, compared to other countries ( The United Nations Millennium Declaration has considered foreign aid as a complementary source of finance in underdeveloped and developing countries and named it as Official Development Assistance (ODA) (United Nations General Assembly, 2000).The extant literature also suggests that foreign aid may have a positive impact on GDP As a rule, foreign aid falls into one of two categories: military aid and humanitarian (economic, developmental, or emergency relief) aid. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. Foreign aid is used to support US national security and commercial interests and can also be distributed for humanitarian reasons. Kiel Institute. [35] Respondents wanted to cut aid going to those of European descent by 40 percent more than of those of African descent. While gross disbursements remained relatively steady, there was a substantial increase in repayments of ODA loans. While this was up from 0.23% in 2002, it was still well below the promised 0.7%. Three other countries have given a firm date to reach the 0.7% target: Belgium by 2010; Ireland by 2007; and France to reach 0.5% by 2007 and 0.7% by 2012. Net ODA from DAC countries from 1950 to 2002 The EU also offered some $5 billion increase over a similar time period. [2], The United States is a small contributor relative to GNI (0.18% 2016[3]) but is the largest single DAC donor of ODA in 2019 (US$34.6 billion), followed by Germany (0.6% GNI, US$23.8 billion), the United Kingdom (0.7%, US$19.4 billion), Japan (0.2%, US$15.5 billion) and France (0.4%, US$12.2 billion). Foreign Aid and Bribery at the United Nations", "U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel [April 10, 2018]", "Are We Violating the Human Rights of the World's Poor? In the past, too much money has either funded corrupt politicians or subsidised unwanted infrastructure projects. The remaining $11.64 billion dollars was spent on military assistance. See also this section from the UN Economic and Social Development's Financing for Development part of their web site for some other issues with ODA and the 0.7% target. United States government (, Lend-Lease Act (1941), Although the UNRRA was called a "United Nations" agency, it was established prior to the founding of the. DAC member countries account for at least 95% of worldwide ODA disbursements. WebA country's gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita is the PPP value of all final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year. Japan's ODA fell by 8.9% in real terms, to $8.9 billion, representing 0.20% of its GNI. | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across the continent | DW | 22.02.2018", "China Is Giving More Foreign Aid Than It Gets", "5 charts that show how China is spending billions in foreign aid", "Line of Credit for Development work in foreign countries", "Qatar's annual development aid stands at $2bn, says minister", "A Revamped Taiwanese Approach to Foreign Assistance", "Taiwan's humanitarian aid/disaster relief: Wither or prosper? Line Bar Map. In 2003, the United States increased its ODA by 16.9% in real terms to $15.8 billion in 2003, representing 0.14% of its GNI. This definition -- expanded to apply to concessional resource transfers, one objective of which is to improve economic, social, and political conditions in any foreign country -- is the one we shall use for the purposes of this study. [21], Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act on 4 September 1961, reorganizing U.S. foreign assistance programs and separating military and non-military aid. Statista. License : CC BY-4.0. US aid is used to fund relief activities, investment projects, technical advice and training, and balance of payments and budgetary support -- the latter two are usually termed program aid. ", Page 17: "US foreign aid in 2000 is different from what it was just 10 years ago. WebA long-standing United Nations target is that developed countries should devote 0.7% of their gross national income to ODA. Thanks to the war, however, this was projected to hit 4.8 percent in 2022. President Bush has pledged a 50 percent increase in ODA by 2006 -- the largest increase since the Marshall Plan -- in addition, new legislation devotes $15 billion to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa and elsewhere. In 1995 the United States devoted only about 0.10 percent of its GDP to official development assistance, while all OECD providers as a whole averaged 0.27 percent. The cumulative total of additional child deaths between 2000-2015 resulting from the widening gap between the millennium target rate and current trends will amount to 56 million. Falling commodity prices have cut export incomes in some of the world's poorest countries by 25%, piling on the problems caused by less aid. A second wartime aid program, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), was founded in November 1943, by 44 Allied governments, for the purpose of assisting and resettling displaced victims of the war. A study by The Washington Post from 2017 shows that Americans are easily persuaded in regards to their opinions on U.S. foreign aid. Figures have been rounded. Most of the $35bn allocated to the Cap provides subsidies to large commercial farms. [15] The Marshall Plan ended in December 1951. Charts and tables (data up to 2019) from the Report: Development Aid at a Glance 2021. ", 6. US bilateral aid jumped by $3.9 billion, including $2 billion for Iraq, partly offset by a $1.4 billion fall in US multilateral aid due to the timing of capital subscriptions to international financial institutions. It spent $47.8 billion, followed by Germany ($33.3 billion), Japan ($17.6 billion), Britain, and France ($15.5 billion). Show publisher information The remaining six rich nations outside the EU -- Australia, Canada, Switzerland, the United States, New Zealand and Japan -- have provided no time-frames to reach the 0.7 percent target, and no goals for interim targets either.". Features of EU aid included: Other DAC countries showed the following changes in real terms in ODA in 2002: 14. Foreign aid to Nepal surged 26.87 percent to $2 billion in the last fiscal year 2019-20 ended mid-July, helped by the funds allocated to assist Covid-19 response and recovery programmes, the Finance Ministry said. More often known as the Marshall Plan, it was the creation of George Kennan, William Clayton, and others at the U.S. State Department under Secretary of State George Marshall. Australia up 2.1%, reflecting its intention to increase ODA in real terms by 3% by 2002-2003; Canada, which intends to double its ODA by 2010, up 31.6% due, among other factors, to real increases in its ODA programme and debt forgiveness; Norway, which seeks to increase its ODA to 1% of GNI by 2005, up 16%; and. According to Oxfam, on current trends there will be 9.6 million child deaths in 2015, compared with the millennium summit goal of 4.2 million. The United Nations has a target for countries to spend 0.7% of their Gross National Income (GNI) on Official Development Assistance (ODA). In 2019 (the most recent year for which comprehensive numbers have been released), the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid about the same as 2018 and $1 billion more than in 2017. ", "Funds should be moving from developed countries to developing countries, but these numbers tell us the opposite is happening. Funds that should be promoting investment and growth in developing countries, or building schools and hospitals, or supporting other steps towards the Millennium Development Goals, are, instead, being transferred abroad." The Act was established by President John F. Kennedy two months later. Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows forDAC and non-DAC members,recipients,andregions. 24. WebFirst and foremost, it should be noted that the 24-nations currently have foreign aid of $153 billion which is 0.31% of their GDP whereas the target is to raise the total foreign aids to Evidence from a Natural Experiment, The Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth of Ethiopia, The Foreign Aid Effectiveness Debate: Evidence from Malawi. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and the United Nations ODA target of 0.7% of GNI was also exceeded by Norway (1.02%), Sweden (0.99%) and Denmark (0.71%). The United States was the biggest cash donor last year. Cynics will dismiss this as another useless jamboree, but these conferences concentrate the mind, and before Monterrey some countries agreed to increase their aid figures. For the OECD, the optimistic side of this was that this maybe marked "the beginning of a recovery from the all-time lows of 0.22% of GNI in each of the last three years." Detailed data are not available on the proportion of US bilateral aid channeled through NG0s, but USAID officials have estimated that about a third of the nearly $2 billion Development Assistance funds are implemented by NG0s. The President said the country would focus more on effectiveness, and make sure donated food, medicine, and money help countries get to the point where they no longer require such aid. Foreign aid can be used as a method of global favoritism. Truman promulgated his containment doctrine in early 1947, a major component of which was to be aid to the world's poor countries in order to blunt the appeals of radicalism to their hungry peoples and to bolster their anti-communist political elements. WebThe five biggest recipients of bilateral aid are Pakistan, Syria, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Japan provides by far the most aid of any country, an amount that exceeded $14 billion or roughly one -fourth of the global total in 1995. Some think of any transfer of public funds abroad - including military expenditures or trade financing -- as foreign aid. Page 9-10: "Foreign aid is often used to refer to a wide variety of resource transfers. The United States makes out less well if one considers its aid as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)> By this index, it has been the least generous official provider of aid within the OECD. The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. The U.S. government gave Greece $362 million in 1949, and U.S. aid to Greece generally remained over $100 million annually until 1998. ", Kiel Institute, Total bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine as a percentage of donor gross domestic product (GDP) between January 24 and November 20, 2022, by country Statista, (last visited January 19, 2023), Total bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine as a percentage of donor gross domestic product (GDP) between January 24 and November 20, 2022, by country [Graph], Kiel Institute, December 7, 2022. [31], A poll conducted in 2013 by the Pew Research Center found that the majority of Americans wanted to either maintain or increase spending on all US government initiatives except foreign aid. If all countries from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - basically the rich man's club - were spending 0.7% of GDP on aid, aid flows would be $114bn higher. The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. In 2018, the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid about $1 billion more than in 2017. About 37% of the aid went to ten countries: South Sudan ($789 million). Japan's ODA fell slightly by 1.8% in real terms in 2002. Bristol, Nellie. Of this total, $39.41 billion dollars was spent on economic assistance, $25.64 billion of which was dispersed by USAID. As the Cold War waned foreign aid spending was cut dramatically from 0.44% of GDP in 1985 to 0.16% Of GDP in 2002. It began with the passage by Congress of the Lend-lease act (PL 77-11) on 11 March 1941. 02:43 10 WebWhich country gives the most foreign aid as a percentage of its GDP? These costs amount to around $100bn a year. The food aid was accompanied by diplomat Alexander Scott, who stated that this aid was strong proof of the friendship and interest which the United Stateshas in their welfareand to explain the mutual advantages of commerce with the United States. A case may be made that some motivation for this act of generosity was diplomatic (i.e. Features of EU aid included: ODA rose substantially in Belgium to 0.61% of its GNI mainly due to Paris Club debt forgiveness operations to the Democratic Republic of Congo; in France to 0.41% of GNI reflecting its debt relief efforts under the HIPC initiative; and in the UK to 0.34% of GNI partly due to contributions to the International Development Association (IDA, the concessional lending window of the World Bank) deferred from 2002. Page 17: `` us foreign aid in 2000 is different from it. [ 32 ] most U.S. foreign aid is often used to refer to a wide of... [ 35 ] Respondents wanted to cut aid going to those of European by... 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